Category Archives: Meetings
SDRA Annual General Meeting
SDRA Annual General Meeting
Saturday, April 20th 2024 -10:30 am to 11:45 am.
Saltair Community Centre –
Membership renewal for the 2024/25 SDRA fiscal year are due at the Annual General Meeting. Please save us a little time by coming forward with your renewal payment. These are the funds that help pay for functions like the Focus Groups meetings, Public Meeting Hall rentals and our community events.
AGM Agenda:
- Introduction and opening remarks
- Business meeting
- Board elections
- Financial Statements
- Summary of 2023/24 accomplishments.
- Proposed events and activities for 2024/25
- Guest speaker(s) – still in negotiations – TBA
Questions and suggestions from the floor – as time permits
Saltair Community Conversation Minutes and CVRD Water Presentation
In case you missed the meeting or wish to recap, here are the Minutes from the Community Conversations #2 Meeting and CVRD Water Utilities Power Point Presentation held on November 12th, 2023.
Click the highlighted link to view presentation
Guest Speakers: Area G Director Jesse McClinton, Area H Director Ben Maartman and CVRD Water Manage Todd Ethrington
Hosted by Saltair District Resident’s Association
Saltair Community Meeting Water Utilities Presentation
PLEASE JOIN US for a Saltair Community Meeting
WATER is the Topic
Sunday November 12th at 2:00 p.m.
Saltair Community Centre Hall
Coffee/Tea & Cookies will be provided
Presenters: Area G Director Jesse McClinton & CVRD Mgr. Water Operations Todd Etherington. Area H Director Ben Maartman
The SDRA is hosting a series of Community Conversation events in the Saltair Community Centre. The 2nd in our series of Community Conversations will have guest speakers Saltair Area Director Jesse McClinton, Area H Director Ben Maartman and CVRD Water Manger Todd Etherington. Mr. Etherington will provide a power point presentation update on water utilities, Stocking Creek dam and UV filtration.
This is your opportunity to provide input and ask questions.
Ben Maartman, the area Director for Area H (N. Oyster/Diamond) will also be speaking regarding the Schnitzer Steel Canada application to expand operations directly over the Cassidy water aquifer – – very interesting reading).
Sponsored by the Saltair District Residents Association
Beverages and snacks provided by the Saltair Community Centre Society.

SDRA November 2023 Newsletter
Saltair Community Conversations
Please join us for the first of many “Saltair Community Conversations”!
The Saltair District Residents Association is hosting a series of Community Conversation meetings designed to encourage community involvement in all aspects of Saltair community living.
Sunday, September 24th, 2023 2:00pm to 4:00pm Saltair Community Centre Hall
What to expect? Guest Speakers Interactions followed by an Q & A!
Guest speaker: Saltair/Area G Director Jesse McClinton will provide a brief CVRD update with an opportunity for audience members to ask questions.
Guest speaker: North Cowichan Mayor Rob Douglas from our neighboring community of Chemainus.
Bring your ideas and future topic suggestions.
SDRA Annual General Meeting
Please join us for the Saltair District Residents Association Annual General Meeting
Thursday, April 27th, 2023
7:00 pm Saltair Community Centre Hall
Updated Area G Saltair Public Information Meeting Bylaw No. 4427 Landslide Hazard
Click the green link for an updated CVRD Public Meeting Highlights/Summary & Photos View Chemainus Valley Courier Article for highlights of public meeting
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Electoral Area G – Saltair
Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: Landslide Hazard
Date: June 2, 2022
Time: 1st Meeting: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Time: 2nd Meeting: 5:30pm to 7:00 pm
Location Saltair Community Centre, located at 3850 South Oyster School Road
Doors open at 2:30 pm Refreshments will be served
Presentation: 1st presentation 3:00 pm is for early birds & 2nd presentation is for the after work crowd at 5:30pm
Please Note: seating is limited to 95 persons per meeting.
Presenters: Rick Guthrie, P. Geo and Hawley Beaugrand P. Geo, Stantec Consulting
The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) conducted field studies in the Saltair area in 2021 which examined natural hazards in the coastal zone, local drivers of slope instability and potential impacts of sea level rise. The purpose of the public open house is to provide further opportunity to present and discuss the Saltair Coastal Slope Stability Assessment and draft Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: Landslide Hazard 9DPA 7).
Draft Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: landslide Hazard, which guides development activities in area that may be subject to natural hazards, has been amended to include the report recommendations and new mapping. The map shown outlines the parcels which are subject to draft Bylaw No. 4427.
The full report “Saltair Coastal Slope Stability Assessment” is located here:
Draft Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: Landslide Hazard (DPA 7) can be accessed here:—Strategic-Initiatives-Draft-B
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Coralie Breen, Manager, Planning- Strategic Initiatives Division, Land Use Services Department, Phone: 250-746-2625 or 1.800.665.3955/ Email: Coralie [dot] Breen [at] cvrd [dot] bc [dot] ca

Posted for the Cowichan Valley Regional District
Saltair District Ratepayers Association AGM
2022 SDRA Annual General Meeting
April 28th at 7:00 pm Saltair Community Centre Hall
Voting for the New SDRA Board:
We will be voting on the following persons/positions’ terms:
Jane Walton – President – 2 years
Denay Shelling – Treasurer – 2 years
Sue Miller – Secretary, Newsletter – 1 year
Diana Holland – Membership – 2 years
John Silins – Environment – 1 year
Kerry McIntyre – TBA – 2 years
If you would like to nominate someone to the Board (and have their permission), please do so.
We would also welcome volunteers to assist the Board or work on a subcommittee – please add your name to the ballot.
Constitutional changes are also being made and must be voted on by the members.
Sue Miller, SDRA Board Member
In Memory of Saltair Artist Lyle Duxbury

Saltair Artist: Lyle Duxbury Born 1935 – Died July 4th 2016
“Forms, colour and medium, reflect my whims and persona. They are swept away on an odyssey filled with metaphysical shadows that drift in and out on a wake of alpha, beta, and delta waves. Born out of this ebb and flow are man and animal forms that are interdependent, one to another, as they float cheek to jowl in my metaphysic sea. The collective aesthete paints society all hues. When one colours over and beyond the lines of the status quo it is labeled ART”
Lyle began painting at the age of 4. He was an honours graduate at Vancouver School of Art and taught at the Vancouver Institute of Art. He lived in Mexico, Toronto and Chemainus before landing in Saltair. His awards and galleries that displayed his works spanned the globe – Canada, USA, Mexico, Japan, Spain
To his neighbours he was the artist who cared deeply about his art, took long walks, and once owned a lovely peacock named Leonardo.
In his later years he was grateful for the help he received from his neighbours. People with that Saltair community spirit mowed his lawns, took him to appointments, took him shopping, put up a chain link fence, brought his groceries, and generally made sure he was okay.
He will be missed in Saltair and the world art community.

Written and submitted by Diana McTavish, September 20th, 2017