NOTICE is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held as follows to consider the above noted Amendment Bylaws:
DATE: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Chemainus Seniors Centre, 9824 Willow Street, Chemainus, BC
The purpose of Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4074 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4075 is to permit an accessory dwelling unit at 11198 Chemainus Road. An ‘accessory dwelling unit’ is defined as a small detached dwelling located on the same property as a single family home. Accessory dwelling units are currently not a permitted use in Electoral Area G.
Amendment Bylaw Nos. 4074 and 4075 propose to amend the Saltair Official Community Plan to include a policy that permits an accessory dwelling unit on the subject property, 11198 Chemainus Road, and to amend the Zoning Bylaw by rezoning the subject property from R-2 Zone (Suburban Residential) to the R-2A Zone (Suburban Residential 2A). The subject property is legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 34, Oyster District, Plan 8053 – PID 005-636-477.
At the Public Hearing, all persons who deem their interests affected by the proposed amendments will be given an opportunity to be heard, or to present written submissions on matters contained therein, before representatives of the Regional Board. Prior to the Public Hearing, submit written comments on the Bylaws by: Fax: 250-746-2621 Email: ds [at] cvrd [dot] bc [dot] ca Mail and/or deposit at the Regional District office: 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, V9L 1N8, until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The public should not assume that correspondence submitted on the proposed Bylaws prior to the start of the statutory notification period on Friday, March 10, 2017, will be made available to the Regional Board. Please be advised that the CVRD Board cannot receive correspondence or comment following the close of the Public Hearing.
All correspondence submitted to the CVRD in response to this Notice will form part of the public record and will be published in a meeting agenda that is posted online when this matter is before the Board or a Committee of the Board. The CVRD considers the author’s address relevant to the Board’s consideration of this matter and will disclose this personal information. The author’s phone number and email address is not relevant and should not be included in the correspondence if the author does not wish this personal information disclosed. Please contact the Planning & Development Department at 250-746-2620 or 1-800-665-3955, or the Recording Secretary at the time of submission. For more information on disclosure, contact the CVRD FOI Coordinator at 250-746-2507 or 1-800-665-3955.
A copy of the proposed Bylaws, the resolution delegating the holding of the Public Hearing, and other documents that may be considered by the Board in determining whether to adopt the Bylaws are available for public inspection at the Regional District Planning & Development Department office: 175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, from Friday, March 10, 2017, to Tuesday, March 21, 2017, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A copy of the Bylaws and supporting material may also be viewed on the CVRD website:
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Kasia Biegun, Planner I, Development Services Division, Planning & Development Department, by telephone 250-746-2620 or 1-800-665-3955 or by email ds [at] cvrd [dot] bc [dot] ca.

Please click on the highlighted text to read “Town of Ladysmith” response to questions submitted by Penny Mear, David Nikula and Mel Dorey regarding the compost/biosolid facility plans to build at 4142 Thicke Road.
2017.02.06 ltr DOREY fr GF answers to biosolids questions (1)
For further information check out the Town of Ladysmith link
New thefts have been reported on South Oyster School Road in Saltair- tools, chainsaw, gas siphoned, coins and items from inside vehicles have been taken. Break-in and thefts continue to be rampant in our neighbouring community of Chemainus as well. Past history has shown the pattern of the thieves are transient. Please keep a vigilant watch on your property and surrounding neighbours. Remember to secure your valuables, lock your windows, front and back doors of your home. Take photos or jot down description of any suspicious vehicles/people and report to RCMP!
There are a number of things that residents can do to discourage thieves:
1. Be on watch for any suspicious activity and report it to the RCMP at 250 245 2215. This may be, noticing a vehicle moving slowly and occupants staring intently at open garages, etc. Notate the description ie: colour, make, and license plate number of vehicle, occupants and if possible take photos! Be cautious of people coming to your door claiming to be lost or using the pretense of answering an ad about a car or RV for sale.
2. [learn_more caption=”Continue Reading here”] 2. If you witness a break in or burglary in progress, call 911, immediately. 3. Know your immediate neighbors, exchange telephone numbers, exchange information about extended absences and arrangements about property monitoring. 4. Report any property loss no matter how insignificant you think it is. RCMP find this sort of information important to establish patterns that may lead to identity / apprehension of perpetrators. 5. Mark your property items with your B. C. driver’s license number. This will help in apprehension of those having unauthorized possession of the items and the return of the items. 6. Get together with your neighbours and organize a neighborhood program such as COPS or Neighborhood Watch. The RCMP will assist organizing one. 7. Install motion lights and if possible closed circuit cameras. If you are contemplating a video system it is best to consult an expert on the type, installation and location. The sudden appearance of light may well scare an intruder away. Pictures of the intruder will help apprehension. 8. Always lock your vehicle and do not leave items of value in view when leaving your vehicle unattended. Take your vehicle insurance and registration documents with you if you are leaving your vehicle in a public place for an extended period of time. Thieves breaking into your vehicle will conclude that you are not home and use the documents to identify your residence. Your residence may become a prime target. 9. Place easily moved items such as tools, lawnmowers, chainsaws, wheel barrows, etc. in a secure location – locked shed, closed garage, etc. 10. Keep doors and accessible windows closed and locked at night. For obvious reasons keep ladders in a secure place. 11. Collect your mail on a regular basis. Do not leave mail overnight. Do these things and you will reduce the risk of property theft for yourself and your neighbours[/learn_more]

Over the summer you may have noticed volunteers counting bicycles/pedestrians and vehicle traffic along Chemainus Road.
The data was required by the CVRD to be included in grant applications for funding to complete Saltair’s section of the Cowichan Valley trail.
Currently, CVRD Board of Directors approval was given to submit an application to the BC Rural Dividend Program for a $500,000 grant to complete the Saltair section of the Cowichan Valley Trail. The total project cost of $1.21 million will be supplemented with an allocation of $225,000 from the CVRD Community Works Fund and allocations from the Regional Parks function over a three year period. Keep checking here for further updates.